01/01/2023 - Circumcision and Name of Jesus - "Circumcised on the Eighth Day"
Luke 2:21
- Pastor David Dunlop
01/08/2023 - Baptism of Our Lord - "God's Servant"
Isaiah 42:1-9
- Pastor David Dunlop
01/15/2023 - Second Sunday after the Epiphany - "John's Finger"
John 1:29-42
- Pastor David Dunlop
01/22/2023 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany - "Unity"
1 Corinthians 1:10-18
- Pastor David Dunlop
01/29/2023 - Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - "The Word of the Cross"
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
- Pastor David Dunlop
02/05/2023 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - "Saltiest of Salt"
Matthew 5:13-20
- Pastor David Dunlop
02/12/2023 - Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany - "Anger and Lust"
Matthew 5:21-37
- Pastor David Dunlop
02/19/2023 - The Transfiguration of Our Lord - "Rise, and Have No Fear"
Matthew 17:1-9
- Pastor David Dunlop
02/22/2023 - Ash Wednesday - "9th & 10th Commandments"
Judges 9:1-6
- Pastor David Dunlop
02/26/2023 - First Sunday in Lent - "Did God Really Say?"
Matthew 4:1-11
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/01/2023 - Lent Midweek 1 - "8th Commandment"
1 Kings 21:1-16
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/05/2023 - Second Sunday in Lent - "Knowledge and Faith"
John 3:1-17
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/08/2023 - Lent Midweek 2 - "7th Commandment"
Luke 19:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/12/2023 - Third Sunday in Lent - "Thirst Quenching Rocks"
Exodus 17:1-7
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/15/2023 - Lent Midweek 3 - "6th Commandment"
2 Samuel 11:1-21
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/19/2023 - Fourth Sunday in Lent - "The Blind See"
John 9:1-41
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/22/2023 - Lent Midweek 4 - "5th Commandment"
Luke 10:25-37
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/26/2023 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - "Valley of Bones"
Ezekiel 37:1-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
03/29/2023 - Lent Midweek 5 - "4th Commandment"
2 Samuel 15:1-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/02/2023 - Palm Sunday - "Savior and King"
John 12:12-19
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/06/2023 - Maundy Thursday - "3rd Commandment"
Matthew 26:17-30
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/07/2023 - Good Friday - "2nd Commandment"
John 18-19
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/09/2023 - Easter Sunrise - "Our Eternal Refrain"
John 20:1-18
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/09/2023 - The Resurrection of Our Lord - "1st Commandment"
Matthew 28:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/16/2023 - Second Sunday of Easter - "Post-resurrection Reality"
John 20:19-31
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/23/2023 - Third Sunday of Easter - "Jesus Draws Near"
Luke 24:13-31
- Pastor David Dunlop
04/30/2023 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - "They Know His Voice"
John 10:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
05/07/2023 - Fifth Sunday of Easter - "Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled"
John 14:1-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
05/14/2023 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - "Persecution is a Blessing"
1 Peter 3:13-22
- Pastor David Dunlop
05/18/2023 - Ascension Day - "Jesus Must Reiterate"
Acts 1:1-11
- Pastor David Dunlop
05/21/2023 - Seventh Sunday of Easter - "The High Priestly Prayer"
John 17:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
05/28/2023 - The Day of Pentecost - Rev. Michael Damery - no audio
06/04/2023 - Holy Trinity Sunday - "Knowing the Trinity"
Acts 2:14, 22-36
- Pastor David Dunlop
06/11/2023 - Second Sunday after Pentecost - "Eating with Jesus"
Matthew 9:9-13
- Pastor David Dunlop
06/18/2023 - Third Sunday after Pentecost - "Treasured Possession"
Exodus 19:2-8
- Pastor David Dunlop
06/25/2023 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - Rev. Bob Barth - no audio
07/02/2023 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - "Not Peace, But a Sword"
Matthew 10:34-42
- Pastor David Dunlop
07/09/2023 - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - "Under the Law, Under Grace"
Romans 7:14-25
- Pastor David Dunlop
07/16/2023 - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - "Rain and Seed"
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
- Pastor David Dunlop
07/23/2023 - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - "Weeds of Suffering"
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
- Pastor David Dunlop
07/30/2023 - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - "Treasure"
Matthew 13:44-52
- Pastor David Dunlop
08/06/2023 - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - "Free Food!"
Isaiah 55:1-5
- Pastor David Dunlop
08/13/2023 - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - "Confessing with the Disciples"
Matthew 14:22-33
- Pastor David Dunlop
08/20/2023 - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - "Wir Sind Alle Bettler"
Matthew 15:21-28
- Pastor David Dunlop
08/27/2023 - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - "The Most Important Question" -
Matthew 16:13-20
- Rev. Joel Cluver - no audio
09/03/2023 - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - "Things of God vs. Things of Man"
Matthew 16:21-28
- Pastor David Dunlop
09/10/2023 - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - "Government"
Romans 13:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
09/17/2023 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - "Forgiveness and Mercy"
Matthew 18:21-35
- Pastor David Dunlop
09/24/2023 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - "The Generous Master"
Matthew 20:1-16
- Pastor David Dunlop
10/01/2023 - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - "Authority"
Matthew 21:23-27
- Pastor David Dunlop
10/08/2023 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Rev. Michael Damery - no audio
10/15/2023 - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - "Everything is Prepared"
Matthew 22:1-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
10/22/2023 - Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost - "Who is in Control?"
Isaiah 45:1-7
- Pastor David Dunlop
10/29/2023 - Reformation Sunday - "Enslaved"
John 8:31-36
- Pastor David Dunlop
11/05/2023 - All Saints' Sunday - "Family of Faith"
1 John 3:1-3
- Pastor David Dunlop
11/12/2023 - Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - "Sorrow"
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
- Pastor David Dunlop
11/19/2023 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - "The Master"
Matthew 25:14-30
- Pastor David Dunlop
11/26/2023 - Last Sunday of the Church Year - "Christian Conduct"
Matthew 25:31-46
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/03/2023 - First Sunday in Advent - "Disappointed"
Mark 11:1-10
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/10/2023 - Second Sunday in Advent - "Time and Patience"
2 Peter 3:8-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/13/2023 - Advent Midweek - "Between the Trees 1"
Genesis 2:5-17
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/17/2023 - Third Sunday in Advent - "The Light"
John 1:6-8, 19-28
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/20/2023 - Advent Midweek - "Between the Trees 2"
Revelation 22:1-4, 14
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/24/2023 - Fourth Sunday in Advent - "The Angel's Sermon"
Luke 1:26-38
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/24/2023 - Christmas Eve - "Peace, Love, Joy, Hope"
Titus 2:11-14
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/24/2023 - Christmas Vigil - "Child of Mary, Son of God"
Isaiah 9:2-7
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/25/2023 - Christmas Day - "Christmas Dinner"
Hebrews 1:1-6
- Pastor David Dunlop
12/31/2023 - First Sunday after Christmas - "Simeon"
Luke 2:22-40
- Pastor David Dunlop
Sermons from 2022
Sermons - 2023
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